Psychic Lab - a working psychic research laboratory

My goal is to use the royalties from my novel, Psychic Lab, to fund a real, physical, psychic lab. But, until then, we can have this online psychic lab.

From my novel, A Planet Called Spring, an excerpt about teleportation:

"A transfer can be made, in physical space, by, I know this is technical, but by pulling together the auras, of two places, so that they touch, then by walking through the passageway that’s created, so that a person can move from one place to another, using a shortcut, not unlike the shortcuts you use to get to and from the beach." He smiled at Taran. "Easier, though, if you don’t mind my saying so."

Taran disregarded that. "I lost you somewhere in the beginning," he told him, "somewhere around the time that you said, that a person could somehow ‘pull together the auras of two places’, if I heard that right. I’m completely out of my depth, here." He gave Csiescu a baffled look. "I had thought the psychic entity would, at most, just say something basic, maybe give me a new insight, or something, similar to the way you and I talk, only in an ideogram. This seems highly technical, not to say, I don’t want to be negative, but pseudo-scientific."

Csiescu threw back his head and laughed.

"This is hardly a good introduction to the topic of spacetime," he said, gasping for breath. "And, you’re right, when a person thinks about psychic phenomena, science might not be the first topic that they think about..."

"The last time science came up for me, was about molten cores," Taran said, glumly. "I wasn’t very good at that, either."

"You can understand this," Csiescu said, reassuringly. "Additionally, I will provide a demonstration. But, first - "

"- dinner," said the food server, smoothly serving their dinner.

"- a little more theory," Csiescu continued, albeit beginning his dinner, also. "Take my word for this, temporarily, that places (and people) have auras (I will explain that more, later), and that the auras of places can be pulled together, such that a person can step from one place to the other, without going the long way ’round. It’s called, ‘teleportation’."

He paused, to give Taran time to absorb this much.

The word seemed to give Taran something to hold onto.

"Now," he continued, "from the point of view of the ideogram you received, you, as a young, evolving, may I say, human, were shown...transferring from a big, to a little, what to you in the water was the equivalent of...solid land. In the analytical sense, it represented that, to you, when analyzed, in this way," he emphasized. "We are analyzing this, for a possible message, even though the psychic entity is using, for the purpose, your recent really nice experience. I want to talk with you more, about that, but since the psychic entity has jumped in, here, with a comment, and, I gather, you are interested in the possible meaning...?"

"Yeah, that’s fine," Taran said. "Thanks for keeping it in perspective, though. I had already thought a lot had happened, today, and then to get a psychic message...!"

"So much had happened, it couldn’t very well not weigh in," Csiescu observed. "A person would naturally want to respond."

"Yeah, well," Taran said, weakly. "That’s super, but..."

"To continue," Csiescu said, briskly. "The passageway that opens up between two place auras can be likened to the land bridge, back on earth, that opened up, for a time, between Russian Siberia and the northwest part of America, Alaska, although it wasn’t called so, then."

"You’re using an earth example?" Taran asked, suddenly more alert.

"It’s the most appropriate one," Csiescu said, watching Taran’s face closely. "Haven’t you ever wondered, why so many of the Spring life-forms so closely resemble life-forms on earth, and, even more so," his tone of voice intensified, "how we happen to have humans, on both planets, seeming to have evolved independently? That hasn’t happened with any other species, on any other set of planets - yet, here on Spring, we have not only humans, but many other species, intelligent and non-intelligent, which have seemingly evolved independently, on earth and on Spring."

"It’s amazing, really," Taran said, knowing that that response was a little lacking.

Csiescu laughed.

"The psychic entity may be proposing that somehow a passageway opened up, between the auras of the earth and Spring, and that, through that passageway, walked early ancestors of such species as the horse, the whale, and the human."

"Land, water, and technological - all three, sentient, intelligent," Taran said, thinking out loud.

"Exactly!" Csiescu said. "It would completely explain the evolutionary puzzle, although there would still be the question of how (and may I add, why) such a passageway would have opened up."

They looked at each other.

"It seems so obvious, a person almost wonders why no one has thought of it, before," Csiescu murmured. "And yet, to my knowledge, this is not a theory that has so far been put forth."

"Maybe it’s not possible," Taran said. "Not to be skeptical, but doesn’t it all hinge on the possibility of a passageway, somehow, against all the laws of physics, ‘opening up’?"

"Against all the laws of physics!" Csiescu exclaimed, laughing again. "On the forefront of knowledge, I grant you, but - " he laughed again.

"Let me show you what I mean," he said, leaning forward, intently. "Are you finished, or would you like dessert?"

"I’m fine," Taran said.

"The check will be billed to our joint account," Csiescu said, "as it was, this morning."

"It seems like such a long time ago," Taran said, wondering.

"We will talk about it soon," Csiescu said. "We can talk about it on the back lounge, outside, looking out toward the ocean, with the stars overhead. How about that?"

"That sounds great," Taran said.

"Super. Now, as we walk along," Csiescu said, as they rose from their chairs, and began to walk toward the door, at the end of the room, "now, see this?"

Taran looked over, but saw nothing.

"I’m pulling the auras of where you are, right now, and the doorway at the end of the room, together," Csiescu told him. "The psychic entity is helping me."

Taran found himself at the doorway, at the end of the room. He looked around for Csiescu. Csiescu was still in the middle of the room, walking at the same pace that the two of them had been walking, together, a moment before.

"A teleport," he stopped to explain to someone. Then, with no further explanation, just a smile, he continued on, to catch up with Taran, at the doorway, at the end of the room.

"We can go outside, and talk, now," Csiescu told him. "There is lots that I would like to know, about what happened today, on the beach."

"That would be fine," Taran answered. It would be super, to be able to talk about it. "But," he continued, "there is nothing that I think I would understand, about what happened today, just now."

"Do you know how to repair spacecraft engines?" Csiescu asked him, looking at him intently.

"Maybe not," Taran admitted.

"Then, you’re fine," Csiesco said, cheerfully. "You know all you need to know, to ride in them."